Why Respect is the Missing Key in Your Marriage
We all want to feel loved in our marriage. But what if I told you that respect is just as important?
I used to think respect meant agreeing with my husband all the time or never voicing my opinion. But that’s not real respect—it’s people-pleasing.
True respect means trusting your husband’s judgment, even when he does things differently than you would. It means refraining from criticism and instead choosing words that uplift rather than tear down.
When I first heard this concept, I thought, But what if he makes the wrong decision? What if I know better?
Here’s the truth: Men thrive when they feel respected. When they don’t, they withdraw, shut down, or get defensive.
Once I started practicing respect—by biting my tongue when I wanted to correct him, by thanking him for his efforts instead of pointing out his flaws—everything changed.
He became more engaged. He started seeking out my opinion more instead of shutting me out. And, most importantly, I felt more loved than ever.
If you’re struggling in your marriage, ask yourself: Am I treating my husband like the capable man he is? Or am I treating him like one of my kids?
Shifting from criticism to respect was the best thing I ever did for my marriage. Try it, and watch your husband light up.