How to Inspire Your Husband to Be More Affectionate
Have you ever wished your husband would be more affectionate? Maybe you miss the days when he couldn’t keep his hands off you, or you long for those spontaneous hugs, kisses, and sweet words.
I used to feel the same way. I thought if I just told my husband what I needed—if I explained how important affection was to me—he would start giving me more.
But instead, my requests sounded more like complaints.
"Why don’t you ever hug me anymore?"
"I wish you’d kiss me like you used to."
"You never say you love me first."
What I didn’t realize was that my words, however well-intentioned, were actually pushing him away rather than drawing him in.
Then, I made a simple shift.
Instead of focusing on what he wasn’t doing, I started appreciating every little thing he did.
When he gave me a quick kiss before leaving for work, I smiled and said, "I love that." When he touched my back while passing by, I leaned into it. When he told me he loved me, I let it sink in instead of brushing it off.
The result? He started doing more.
Men love to make their wives happy, but they need to know their efforts are appreciated. If you want more affection, start by noticing and celebrating what he’s already doing.
Affection grows in an atmosphere of gratitude—not in one of criticism.